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Pronto Pizza Oven Review

Pronto Pizza Oven Review

Almost everyone likes to have a nicely cooked pizza right at their home whether they are alone or having a great time with friends. But cooking a pizza properly is not an easy task for most people out there. While you can use the oven in your kitchen for the same, the results are generally mediocre. Hence, there are a lot of dedicated pizza oven options out there.

The different pizza ovens out there differ from each other in terms of the features and options offered by them. Due to this, while some models might be great for some users, others might be good for others. Although after going through the multiple options, the Pizzeria Pronto pizza oven makes a great choice for a lot of users out there.

And today, we are here with a complete and dedicated review of the Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven. You can find all of the specifications as well as the features of the Pizzacraft pizza oven. Not only that but you can also learn to easily properly cook a pizza using it. If you want to learn more about the Pronto Pizza oven including its pros and cons, make sure to go through this article until the end.

Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven Review

Pizzacraft Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven
Product Weight (lbs.)27.5 lbs
Product Material UsedCordierite / Stainless Steel
Temperature Range700 Degrees Fahrenheit
PowerPropane Gas
Warranty Length1 Year

Alternative to Pronto Pizza Oven

Camp Chef Italia Artisan Pizza Oven

BrandCamp Chef
Product Weight (lbs.)30 lbs.
Product Material UsedStainless Steel
Temperature Range420 Degree Fahrenheit
Warranty Length1 Year

For a detailed review of this oven, check our article on Camp Chef Artisan Pizza oven review.

Features of the Pizzacraft Pizza Oven

After going through the specifications and the various things offered by the Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor pizza oven, you must know a lot about it already. Although, if you want to know more, then you should check out the different features offered by this pizza oven. The following features found in the Pizzacraft pizza oven can be handy for different users out there:

1. Fast Cooking

Pizzacraft Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven

As mentioned earlier, a great thing about the Pizzeria Pronto pizza oven is that it offers one of the highest cooking temperatures out there. A traditional wood fire oven generally offers a cooking temperature of 800° F or 900° F that is quite high. And even though this one uses propane, you get a pretty high cooking temperature of 700° F in this pizza oven. To know more information about the heating capacity of different pizza types and pizza ovens, you can review our detailed guide on Oven Temperature for Pizza. Due to this, your pizza gets cooked quickly and quite easily. In fact, it only takes a total of 5 minutes to cook a full-size pizza in this oven. Its preheat duration of 10 minutes is also quite low when you consider the given temperature rating.

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2. Ease of Use

Even if you are new to pizza ovens and making pizzas at your home, the Pronto pizza oven can be a great pick for a lot of users. It is one of the easiest to use pizza ovens out there due to the various features and options that it offers to the user. A great thing about this gas pizza oven is that it is quite easy to assemble at your home. You can simply get all of its parts together, connect them, and start cooking pizzas using a propane gas tank right away.

3. Multipurpose Outdoor Oven

Unlike most other pizza ovens out there, this one is highly versatile and flexible. This is simply due to the reason that this multipurpose outdoor oven can be used for cooking more than just pizzas. You can essentially use it for cooking all sorts of things like pretzels, steaks, chicken, calzones, garlic bread, pork chops, and almost anything else that you would cook in an oven in your home. It is able to offer this due to its simple and straight forward design.

4. Larger Pizza Size

Pizzacraft Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven

If you are familiar with cooking pizzas or just pizzas in general, then you must know that most pizzas have a pizza size or diameter of 12 inches. And this is where the Pizzacraft pizza oven differs from others as you get a larger pizza size support with it. You can use it to cook a pizza of up to 14 inches in diameter that should be more than enough for most users. This is possible due to the larger internal dimensions of this pizza oven. Apart from allowing you to make large pizzas, this larger oven size also means that you can easily cook large food items in it like a calzone with ease.

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5. Propane Powered

Just per the name, the Pronto pizza oven is made for outdoors usage. Due to this, it is not an electric oven as if that was the case; you would run into power source issues. Hence, this pizza oven is a propane-powered pizza oven. If you want more option in propane gas oven, you can review our page for the best propane gas pizza oven. This simply means that you have to use propane gas via the means of propane gas tanks while using this pizza oven. Because of this, the oven allows you to use it virtually anywhere with the help of either a 1 pound or a 20 pound propane gas tank. Propane gas also allows you to reach the high cooking temperatures mentioned earlier.

Tips and Tricks for Making Pizza in the Pizzeria Pronto

Pronto Pizza Oven

Now that you know more about the Pizzeria Pronto outdoor pizza oven in terms of its specifications and features, the chances are that you are interested in buying one. But in case that you do buy one but do not know much about cooking pizzas, then you should keep the following things in mind:

1. Stretching the Dough

stretch pizza dough

One of the most common issues faced by new pizza oven users is stretching your store-bought dough. Working with pizza dough to form it into a circular shape for making pizzas can be quite tiring and frustrating. Thankfully, you do not need to spin your dough in the air in order to get a thin crust with a circular shape. Instead, you can simply use your hands to stretch and roughly shape your pizza dough. After that, you can either use the knuckles of your hands to further stretch the dough or use a rolling pin as per your wish. Stretching the dough is quite important to get the thickness as well as the pizza size of your choice.

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2. Use Low Moisture Cheese

After stretching the dough of your pizza, you can go ahead and apply one of the store-bought sauces as well as add more toppings on your pizza. If you wish to have a combination of creamy and cheesy flavour on your pizza, you can try out one of these Alfredo sauces. While you can add any toppings of your choice, choosing the correct cheese type (provolone vs mozzarella) is quite important. Whether you are using mozzarella or not, buying a low moisture cheese is highly important. The benefit of going with a low moisture cheese is that as it melts, it does not leave much moisture or water behind it. If you are vegan, you can use vegan cheese instead of the normal one. Hence, your pizza will not be soggy or wet after you take it out of the oven.

Also Read: Difference between Marinara and Pizza sauce

3. Preparing the Pizza Peel

Pizza Peel

A pizza peel is a great tool for easily putting in as well as taking out the pizza from your oven. You can review our buying guide for the best pizza peels available in the market. But the last thing that you want while cooking a pizza is to get your pizza stuck to your pizza peel. Hence, preparing the pizza peel before using the oven is highly important. Thankfully, there are multiple ways that you can use to prepare a pizza peel. The simplest way is to dust your pizza peel with flour generously and then place your pizza on it. You can also use cornmeal for a better result in comparison to using flour for preparing your pizza peel. Alternatively, you can also line your pizza peel with parchment paper (check the difference between wax paper and parchment paper here). Although, this solution can be a bit cumbersome for some users.

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4. Rotate the Pizza

Just like almost any other pizza oven out there, the Pronto pizza oven also does not cook evenly. Due to this, your pizza might get overcooked from one side and undercooked from the other that can ruin the whole experience. Thankfully, fixing this issue in your pizza oven is quite easy. You can simply keep rotating your pizza every few minutes while it is in the oven. This means that you have to simply rotate the pizza by 180 degrees to ensure that it is getting cooked evenly on all sides. You can try Presto Pizza Oven if you want to have an oven that has a rotating stone.

Wrapping Up

Once you have gone through all of the details regarding Pronto Pizza outdoor pizza oven mentioned in this article, a lot of you might be wondering whether it is a great option to buy or not. Thankfully, the given performance numbers make it quite easy to do so. When compared with other options out there, you get a pretty high cooking temperature of up to 700° F that allows you to cook pizzas under 5 minutes.

Despite its fast cooking times, you get a pretty large cooking area of up to 14 inches for cooking either large pizzas or other food items. You can do either of these quite easily as it is quite an easy to use pizza oven. This includes its controls as well as the assembly process offered by it.

Talking about its functioning, it uses a propane tank for fuel that makes it highly versatile. While it is not the easiest thing to move, it can certainly be used outdoors as told by its name. Although if you want to know more about the features of the Pronto Pizza pizza oven or have any other questions, you can leave all of those things in the comments section down below. You can check out Pizzacraft’s other model in our best portable wood-fired pizza oven guide if you wish to go for a wood-fired oven.

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